Social Bookmarking RELOADED

a wordpress plug-in for bookmarking


Lastest version (ultima versione): 3.16

Download Social Bookmarking Reloaded

Note: In blue character colour there are the instructions in italian. It is compatible with WordPress 2.9.2

Nota: le istruzioni in italiano sono scritte in blu. E’ compatibile con WordPress 2.9.2

The Social Bookmarking RELOADED plugin for WordPress adds a list of XHTML

compliant graphic links at the end of your posts and/or pages that allow your visitors to easily

submit them in a number of social bookmarking sites.

Furthermore, the plugin adds a page in the WordPress admin section that lets you customize it.

See the Customization section below for details.

Social Bookmarking RELOADED è un plugin basato sul plugin Social Bookmarks 3.2.

Dalla versione 1.0 alla versione 1.7 di RELOADED il plugin si chiamava Social Bookmarks RELOADED, ora ha preso il nome di Social Bookmarking RELOADED.

Il plugin non fa altro che aggiungere delle icone che consentono una rapida segnalazione dei post e dei commenti presso i princiali social boormarking service. Questo plugin a differenza di molti che circolano in rete, aggiunge molti siti italiani ed è stato modificato proprio per avere un buon supporto dei social del Bel paese.

Da questa versione sono supportati oltre 50 servizi, tra i quali parecchi italiani:

The following 62 sites are supported:

delicious, digg, furl, blinklist, reddit, feed_me, technorati, yahoo, newsvine, socializer, magnolia, stumbleupon, google, rawsugar, squidoo, spurl, blinkbits, netvouz, rojo, blogmarks, shadows, simpy, comments, scuttle, bloglines, tailrank, segnalo, oknotizie, netscape, bookmark_it, ask, smarking, linkagogo, delirious, socialdust,, slashdot, sphinn, diggita, seotribu, facebook, upnews, wikio, healthranker, barrapunto, Notizieflash, Kipapa, Fai informazione, Blogmemes, Blogsphere news, Blogsvine, Mixx, Scoopeo, Myspace, ziczac, plim, indianpad, twitter, technotizie, blue dot, diggitsport, connotea, leonaut, mister-wong.

Based on GNU GPL Social Bookmarks 3.2 plugin by Apostolos Dountsis (

Update Instructions (from version RELOADED 1.8 to now) – Aggiornamento del plugin (dalla versione 1.8)

Upload all the contents of the social-bookmarking-reloaded directory to your wp-content/plugins/social-bookmarking-reloaded directory.

Delete the folder social-bookmarks-reloaded.

Than activate the plugin in plugin menu of control pan.

Caricare l’intero contenuto della cartella social-bookmarking-reloaded, presente nel file .zip, all’interno della directory wp-content/plugins/social-bookmarking-reloaded che si trova sul server.

Cancellare la cartella social-bookmarks-reloaded che conteneva il vecchio plugin.

Toshiba 4TB Canvio Basics Portable External Hard Drive,USB 3.2. Gen 1, Black (HDTB440EK3AA)

Ora, attivare la nuova versione del plugin nel menu plugin del pannello di amministrazione di WP.

How to Install – Installazione

If you have never use this plugin or a previous version, you have extract the archive file (.zip) and upload the folder social-bookmarking-reloaded in wp-content/plugins of your web space.

Than activate the plugin in plugin menu of admin control pannel.

Se non si ha mai installato una versione precedente del plugin, è necessario estrarre il contenuto del file .zip e caricare la cartella social-bookmarking-reloaded e i suoi file nella directory wp-content/plugins che si trova sullo spazio web che ospita WordPress.

Successivamente manca solo di attivare il plugin nel menu plugin del pannello di controllo dell’amministratore.

If you need help, please leave me a comment. I am really happy if you are going to give me help in order to develop the next versions of plug-in or just testing.

In caso di necessità , lasciare un commento. Sarei felice se qualcuno volesse darmi una mano con le prossime versioni del plugin sia come sviluppatore sia come beta-tester (ma anche o l’uno o l’altro).

Ulteriori informazioni sui social bookmarking, solo in italiano:

Some blogs which use Social Bookmarking RELOADED:

Alcuni siti che fanno uso di Social Bookmarking RELOADED:,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, …

223 commenti a “Social Bookmarking RELOADED”
  1. […] Social Bookmarking RELOADED […]

  2. […] Description: Social Bookmarking RELOADED – Add the social bookmarks services’s icons to your articles in your blogs in order to submit them easily. Plugin based on Apostolos Dountsis one. Download. […]

  3. […] Social Bookmarking – komponent WEB 2.0 🙂 […]

  4. […] Social Bookmarking RELOADED ?????? ???? ? ????? ???????? ??????? ?? ?????? ? ?????. […]

  5. […] Social Bookmarking Reloaded: Adds social bookmarks services’s icons to your articles in your blogs so your readers can submit them easily. […]

  6. […] ?????? ?????? ??????????? ???? ?? ?????? ?????????. Social Bookmarking RELOADED – ?????? ??? ?????????? ????? ?????? ? ?????????? […]

  7. […] Sites which use Social Bookmarking reloaded … more Download Plugin! Version 2.99d Last Updated: February 16, 2009 Plugin Owner: valent Visit Plugin’s Home Visit Plugin @ Report Duplicate Post […]

  8. […] Social bookmarking reloaded (note from the editor: I have no idea if this plugin is reliable as I never used it). […]

  9. […] Social Bookmarking RELOADED […]

  10. […] Download Social Bookmark RELOAD WordPress Plugin […]

  11. […] Social Bookmarking Exibe no final de cada post links para compartilhar seu conteúdo em várias redes sociais. A aparência dos links é personalizável pelo CSS. […]

  12. […] Social Bookmarking RELOADED valent Posted by root 1 day 16 hours ago ( The social bookmarking reloaded plugin for wordpress adds a list of xhtml you have extract the archive file zip and upload the folder social bookmarking reloaded in wp content plugins of your web space if you need help please leave me a comment powered by Discuss  |  Bury |  News | Social Bookmarking RELOADED valent […]

  13. […] Social Bookmarking RELOADED valent Posted by root 2 hours 33 minutes ago ( The social bookmarking reloaded plugin for wordpress adds a list of xhtml compliant graphic links at the end of if you need help please leave me a comment i am really happy if you are powered by wordpress2 7 1 and k21 0 rc7 2 Discuss  |  Bury |  News | Social Bookmarking RELOADED valent […]

  14. […] Social Bookmarking RELOADED valent Posted by root 12 minutes ago ( The social bookmarking reloaded plugin for wordpress adds a list of xhtml compliant graphic links at the end of if you need help please leave me a comment i am really happy if you are powered by wordpress2 7 1 and k21 0 rc7 2 Discuss  |  Bury |  News | Social Bookmarking RELOADED valent […]

  15. […] Social Bookmarking RELOADED valent Posted by root 27 minutes ago ( The social bookmarking reloaded plugin for wordpress adds a list of xhtml update instructions from version reloaded 1 8 to now aggiornamento del plugin dalla versione 1 8 if you need help please leave me a comment powered by wordpress2 8 and k21 0 rc7 2 m Discuss  |  Bury |  News | Social Bookmarking RELOADED valent […]

  16. […] Social Bookmarking RELOADED valent Posted by root 3 days ago ( The social bookmarking reloaded plugin for wordpress adds a list of xhtml if you need help please leave me a comment i am really happy if you are Discuss  |  Bury |  News | Social Bookmarking RELOADED valent […]

  17. Thanks for sharing informative discussion about social bookmarking.

  18. I appreciate you for an informative and helpful article about social bookmarking. Thanks

  19. Hi there.. I just added your plugin and THANKS for doing it because i just did NOT want to go through and do that all individually.. But I am having one issue. In the admin screen, it suggests that I change these words:
    Segnala presso:

    to something like “Bookmark” if you use english.. So i did that, and clicked UPDATE and it will NOT save. I can not get it to save the text changes in the admin,but it did save the other preferences like the number of bookmarks and what not.. Any suggestions?

  20. I also wanted to note that with the bookmarks, anytime there are images listed in the post, the bookmark images get put to the right of the images, as if they were displayed inline, however i double checked for the block attribute and it is here..

    please have a look at my site:

  21. Social Bookmarking is a swift and easy way to get acknowledgment for your website. You have to register with all of the Social Bookmarking Sites and then start bookmarking and properly tagging the pages from your site.

  22. So you can open social_bookmarking_reloaded.php file (with Notepad or WordPress plug-in editor or what else) and look for Segnala presso: change it if you like.
    I do not understand the second request.

  23. Sorry but i checked there first and did not see where that might be hard coded. As you can see here, it is using the function of the admin setting to label the bookmarks:
    // Label
    $html .= ‘Display Title (you can put bookmark to, if you use english): current_settings[‘sbb_label’].'” />’;
    $html .= ‘Add string (you can put Add, if you use english): current_settings[‘target_add’].'” />’;
    $html .= ‘To word (you can put to, if you use english): current_settings[‘target_to’].'” />’;
    //In 2 previous lines you can change “aggiungi” with “add” and “a” with “to” if you use english

    Also, the second issue, you can see here on this specific blog post:

    as you can see, the socialbookmarks are not aligned onthe bottom of the post, instead end up right next to the images. This is true anytime an image is the last item on a post.

    I am sure it has to do with the css, unfortunately i can not see where it can be changed, because it is already in the display block.. The only thing I could thinks is have the plugin get put outside of the div that holds the content in its own div..

  24. Ok.
    On social_bookmarking_reloaded.php file I see something like this (in first part of file):

    ‘sbb_label’ => ‘Segnala presso:’,
    ‘sbb_target’ => ‘new’,
    ‘sbb_pages_excluded’ => ‘none’,
    ‘sbb_lines’ => 2,
    ‘sbb_display’ => 3,
    ‘target_add’ => ‘Aggiungi’,
    ‘target_to’ => ‘a’,);

    Change Segnala presso: to what you wish. The same with Aggiungi and a

    The latter problem is related to your CSS theme file. Some browsers (like Safari, Chrome, do not show this ugly situation.
    You can watch some screenshot of your page here:

    Add some Enter at the end of problematic posts and see if something changes.

  25. ok, I did change the code here to this:
    // Default Settings
    $this->default_settings = array(‘sbb_sites’ => ‘delicious|digg|furl|blinklist|reddit|feed_me|technorati|newsvine|socializer|magnolia|stumbleupon|google|rawsugar|squidoo|blinkbits|netvouz|rojo|blogmarks|simpy|comments|scuttle|bloglines|tailrank|scoopeo|blogmemes|blogspherenews|blogsvine|mixx|netscape|ask|linkagogo|delirious|socialdust|live|slashdot|sphinn|facebook|myspace|healthranker|connotea|misterwong|barrapunto|twitter|indianpad|bluedot|segnalo|oknotizie|diggita|seotribu|upnews|wikio|notizieflash|kipapa|fai_informazione|bookmark_it|ziczac|plim|technotizie|diggitsport|tipd|addalo|sbr’, ‘sbb_label’ => ‘Social Bookmarks:’,
    ‘sbb_target’ => ‘new’,
    ‘sbb_pages_excluded’ => ‘none’,
    ‘sbb_lines’ => 2,
    ‘sbb_display’ => 3,
    ‘target_add’ => ‘Add’,
    ‘target_to’ => ‘to’,);

    unfortunately it did not change what i see on my page.. I’m REALLY sorry if this is a super stupid question, i just expected it to work

  26. Ok. I got it.. i changed it in the admin too and it works now. I am still having an issue getting the code to show in a different div than the post div. If you have a look at the site, you will see a smaller area with the meta.. the tuff like next post and number of comments. i would LIKE to have the code in there.. but i can not seem where to change the placement of the bookmarks.. Is there a way to manually insert the bookmarks?

  27. Top 20 Social Bookmaking Plugins for Wordpress – Share your Posts | unlimited direct links of movies,software and video tutorials ha detto:

    […] Social Bookmarking RELOADED […]

  28. […] Sociable RELOADED : Rajoute des options de social bookmarking. […]

  29. […] d’un grand nombre d’icônes vers des sites de partages ou sociaux sur vos posts. Sociable RELOADED : Rajoute des options de social bookmarking. Follow Me : Ajoute des liens vers vos profils sur des […]

  30. I installed the plugin but whatever i change on the settings won’t reflect on the actual page. Even if i deactivate it, it keeps showing up twice at the end of the post. Why would this be happening?

  31. Thank you for this good list! I started bookmarking my site and asking my friends to do so if they would and it’s definitely helping.

  32. Ciao, ho utilizzato il tuo plugin sul mio sito. Fantastico, funziona anche in 2.8.4

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