Social Bookmarking RELOADED

a wordpress plug-in for bookmarking


Lastest version (ultima versione): 3.16

Download Social Bookmarking Reloaded

Note: In blue character colour there are the instructions in italian. It is compatible with WordPress 2.9.2

Nota: le istruzioni in italiano sono scritte in blu. E’ compatibile con WordPress 2.9.2

The Social Bookmarking RELOADED plugin for WordPress adds a list of XHTML

compliant graphic links at the end of your posts and/or pages that allow your visitors to easily

submit them in a number of social bookmarking sites.

Furthermore, the plugin adds a page in the WordPress admin section that lets you customize it.

See the Customization section below for details.

Social Bookmarking RELOADED è un plugin basato sul plugin Social Bookmarks 3.2.

Dalla versione 1.0 alla versione 1.7 di RELOADED il plugin si chiamava Social Bookmarks RELOADED, ora ha preso il nome di Social Bookmarking RELOADED.

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Il plugin non fa altro che aggiungere delle icone che consentono una rapida segnalazione dei post e dei commenti presso i princiali social boormarking service. Questo plugin a differenza di molti che circolano in rete, aggiunge molti siti italiani ed è stato modificato proprio per avere un buon supporto dei social del Bel paese.

Da questa versione sono supportati oltre 50 servizi, tra i quali parecchi italiani:

The following 62 sites are supported:

delicious, digg, furl, blinklist, reddit, feed_me, technorati, yahoo, newsvine, socializer, magnolia, stumbleupon, google, rawsugar, squidoo, spurl, blinkbits, netvouz, rojo, blogmarks, shadows, simpy, comments, scuttle, bloglines, tailrank, segnalo, oknotizie, netscape, bookmark_it, ask, smarking, linkagogo, delirious, socialdust,, slashdot, sphinn, diggita, seotribu, facebook, upnews, wikio, healthranker, barrapunto, Notizieflash, Kipapa, Fai informazione, Blogmemes, Blogsphere news, Blogsvine, Mixx, Scoopeo, Myspace, ziczac, plim, indianpad, twitter, technotizie, blue dot, diggitsport, connotea, leonaut, mister-wong.

Based on GNU GPL Social Bookmarks 3.2 plugin by Apostolos Dountsis (

Update Instructions (from version RELOADED 1.8 to now) – Aggiornamento del plugin (dalla versione 1.8)

Upload all the contents of the social-bookmarking-reloaded directory to your wp-content/plugins/social-bookmarking-reloaded directory.

Delete the folder social-bookmarks-reloaded.

Than activate the plugin in plugin menu of control pan.

Caricare l’intero contenuto della cartella social-bookmarking-reloaded, presente nel file .zip, all’interno della directory wp-content/plugins/social-bookmarking-reloaded che si trova sul server.

Cancellare la cartella social-bookmarks-reloaded che conteneva il vecchio plugin.

Ora, attivare la nuova versione del plugin nel menu plugin del pannello di amministrazione di WP.

How to Install – Installazione

If you have never use this plugin or a previous version, you have extract the archive file (.zip) and upload the folder social-bookmarking-reloaded in wp-content/plugins of your web space.

Than activate the plugin in plugin menu of admin control pannel.

Se non si ha mai installato una versione precedente del plugin, è necessario estrarre il contenuto del file .zip e caricare la cartella social-bookmarking-reloaded e i suoi file nella directory wp-content/plugins che si trova sullo spazio web che ospita WordPress.

Successivamente manca solo di attivare il plugin nel menu plugin del pannello di controllo dell’amministratore.

If you need help, please leave me a comment. I am really happy if you are going to give me help in order to develop the next versions of plug-in or just testing.

In caso di necessità , lasciare un commento. Sarei felice se qualcuno volesse darmi una mano con le prossime versioni del plugin sia come sviluppatore sia come beta-tester (ma anche o l’uno o l’altro).

Ulteriori informazioni sui social bookmarking, solo in italiano:

Some blogs which use Social Bookmarking RELOADED:

Alcuni siti che fanno uso di Social Bookmarking RELOADED:,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, …

223 commenti a “Social Bookmarking RELOADED”
  1. Hi!
    I installed you plugin it in my blog, WP ver 2.5.1, but I can’t find configuration menu (options). Any idea?

  2. Hi, we have just launched a new social bookmarking site and would like it added to your toolbar. The extension to add is

    I know you asked for an icon 18×18 but wanted to know what format you would like it in.

    Please let me know if you are interested.

    Thank you

  3. The main rule to be insert on the plugin is: the social service must be high traffic and well known. Maybe within few months, your site will reach the level we request. I will check

  4. Nowadays we have a lot of social bookmark but it is better to use that ? The future will tell us

  5. Hi,

    The bookmarking links are being placed just below the content. But I would like to place them at some other place below the content

  6. I’m use your plugin, this is simple.
    Hello Guys! First of all thanks for that Plugin! It works well with wordpress 3.0 and it’s very useful.For German users, it would be great to have one more string after the “bookmark” cause of our grammar.
    thanks for goodwork!

  7. Social bookmarking a very simple to use and very useful. It is true that this is very beneficial to webmasters and is really match with wordpress 3.0

  8. Social bookmarking is a big part of blogging and for those using WordPress there are lots of different social bookmarking plugins to choose from.The only thing you need to be careful with is to see that the plugin you choose is compatible with the WordPress version you use.These bloggers present their choices for best WordPress social bookmarking plugins.

  9. Hi people ,
    thought I join like minded people and educate myself . It’ll take me a while to have a look around , before I post anything :).
    Nice to be here 🙂

  10. […] 9. Social Bookmarking Reloaded […]

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